The new Master of the Company, Captain K.D.Watt, introduced himself and welcomed members. On behalf of the Company he thanked Captain Payne for his service as Master, Captain Johnson for standing in as Master for the past 10 months, and Captain Compson for his service as General Secretary.
Captain K D Watt, Master Captains T.J. Wood, Tauranga Warden E.E.Ewbank, Auckland Warden R.A.J.Palmer, Wellington Warden A. Cooke, Christchurch Warden. N. Johnson, J.E.Frankland, M.B.Deane, M.J.Lock, J. Holbrook, N. Wheeler, W.J Hibberdine, R.L.McKenzie, R.G.J. Davis, R.J. Hawkins, A.D.Payne, J.D.McGill, B.M. Commons (Tauranga), P.Davies (Hon.Solicitor) W.G. Compson – General Secretary/Treasurer
1. APOLOGIES Were received from Captains Barradale, Munro,Gates, Sims, Neill, de Jong, Handley, Briand, Clarke, Robbins, Buckens, Chesney, Kelner and van Kesteren.
2. MINUTES The Minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting were taken as read and PROPOSED by the General Secretary as a true and correct record of proceedings at that meeting. MOVED Captain Palmer SECONDED Captain Frankland CARRIED.
Nil matters arising.
3. CORRESPONDENCE Lists of all inward and outward correspondence conducted between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2012 were made available. Further lists dating from 1April 2012 until this meeting were also shown.
MATTERS ARISING The General Secretary made a point that a great deal of correspondence is by email and can be difficult to record in a satisfactory way. A suggestion was that messages of importance should be listed and printed where necessary for inclusion with correspondence.
4 WARDEN’S REPORTS Wardens reports were read by the Branch Wardens of Auckland, Christchurch, Tauranga and Wellington.
Matters arising. The Master congratulated the Christchurch branch on their efforts in maintaining branch activities in difficult circumstances following the earthquakes. A brief discussion concerning the protocol for flying the Red Ensign at ceremonies for Merchant Navy Day.
5. MASTER’S REPORT Captain Johnson delivered his annual report, paying tribute to Captain Nic Campbell for work as editor of “On Deck”. Mention was made of the poor image of shipmasters displayed by the masters of “Rena” and “Costa Concordia”, criminalisation of seafarers and the malicious treatment of “Rena” officers’ wives by the Department of Immigration.
Matters Arising A member took issue with the Master’s words “ a simple mistake” resulting in the grounding of “Rena”.
6. TREASURER’S REPORT The Treasurer’s report was tabled. Explanation was given regarding the difficulty in budgeting for “On Deck” printing, the only firm quote ever received having been made in April this year. After discussion, the Executive Council has set the capitation levy at $25 for 2013.
That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted was PROPOSED by Captain Payne and SECONDED by Captain Palmer. CARRIED
Matters Arising Nil
7 OFFICERS FOR THE FORTHCOMING YEAR Members of the Executive Council:- Captain K.D.Watt, Master. Captains E.E. Ewbank, T.J. Wood, R.A.J. Palmer and A. Cooke as wardens of Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch branches respectively. Captain C. van Kesteren, General Secretary/Treasurer.(After matters pertaining to this AGM have been completed).
8 BRANCH REMITS Auckland Copies of this remit concerning proposed changes to Rule 4 have been widely distributed. The Executive Council, with branch Wardens empowered to vote on behalf of their members, discussed each section at length after which, the following decisions were made:- The proposed change to Rule 4.1.1 was withdrawn. Rule 4.2 and 4.2.1 (Associate of the branch and Associate Member) to be recommended to the AGM. Rule 4.3. The words “Associate members” and “Friend” expunged from the first line and the third line respectively. The resulting wording to be recommended to the AGM.
Following brief explanation Captain Johnson PROPOSED that the remit be accepted SECONDED Captain Wood. CARRIED
Note:- The General Secretary will shortly produce the updated version of Rule 4 for inclusion in Rule Books.
Christchurch “That the executive of the New Zealand Company of Master Mariners draw up a list of members who are prepared to be called upon by MNZ to assist with policy, qualifications, maritime affairs and emergencies. The list should include details of the qualifications, expertise and the experience of the member, or, where necessary simply list the various areas of expertise that are available within the membership”.
It was decided that each branch draw up a list of volunteer members to send to the Master for forwarding to MNZ. The secretary to write to branches. PROPOSER Captain A.Cooke, SECONDED Captain Ewbank CARRIED
Tauranga “That the New Zealand Company of Master Mariners make representation to the Minister of Transport that the “Maritime Labour Convention 2006” be incorporated into New Zealand Law”.
Following explanation the remit was PROPOSED Captain Wood, SECONDED Captain Davis. CARRIED
OTHER GENERAL BUSINESS There being no further business the Master closed the AGM at 1435 hours.