New Pilotage Rules

Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) consulted on draft Maritime Rule Part 90 – Pilotage in late 2007. 
58 submissions were received in total, covering a range of matters.  In addition to those submissions, MNZ received other submissions relating to various aspects of the pilotage regime during the course of 2008, in response to issues that arose after the initial consultation exercise.  MNZ also hosted a one-day pilotage workshop in August 2008 to review pilot and pilotage exemption training and examinations.
As a result of the above work, and after further discussions with a number of submitters and other parties, a revised draft rule Part 90 has been prepared. 

 As the changes are significant, MNZ is conducting further targeted consultation with all those who made submissions previously and with other persons and organisations with a direct interest in pilotage.
A revised draft rule and Invitation to Comment, along with a detailed summary of submissions will be issued  shortly, for a 4-week consultation period, seeking views on these further changes.

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