The committee of the Warsash Association have undertaken a project to revitalize interest in the Association.
To do this they plan to:–
1) overhaul our web-site at
2) re-establish contact with Warsash graduates around the world.
The first objective is partially under way now with upgrades and additions to the present site, however early next year we expect to launch a totally revised site, professionally designed, which will feature, among other options, a series of interactive forums in which we can communicate with one another.
The second objective is slowly emerging through contact and networking with existing members to publicize our efforts and to encourage Warsash graduates to investigate what we are doing and decide if it is sufficiently interesting for them to participate.
In this respect they ask that any members of the New Zealand Company of Master Mariners who are Warsash graduates to visit their web site (listed above) and make contact.